Investment Opportunities Exist in Virus’ Wake

On March 7, 2020, all schools within the Elk Grove Unified School District in the Sacramento, CA area shut down after a case of the virus appeared in the city. On March 19, CA Governor Gavin Newsom issued a state-wide “stay at home” order, shutting down all non-essential businesses. CA was the first state to take this measure and it affects 40 million people.

Whether it is CA or many other states the governors and mayors have strongly encouraged residents to stay at home except for getting essential supplies and services such as going to the grocery store and pharmacy. Many schools, libraries, beaches, and public parks have been closed. Hospitals, doctors, and dentists were told to cancel non-emergency procedures, such as your annual dental checkup and clean or elective surgeries.

With much of America following these orders, around 27 million have filed for unemployment in the last 5 weeks and thousands of businesses have closed. This is not just a coronavirus pandemic health crisis, but also a major economic and financial crisis. Whenever there is major societal upheaval, there can be great financial opportunities.

While many businesses are collapsing, the grocery and trucking business have been booming. For many grocery stores, normally two large food trailers delivered every week are enough to stock a grocery store. However, due to panic buying, it now takes six large trailers delivered, and there are still empty shelves. Shortages of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, pasta, and many other items are very common.

Whenever there are large shifts, there are huge opportunities. When the internet became a new technology, new companies such as Yahoo and eBay made their founders billionaires and early investors mega-millionaires. When buying online became widely acceptable, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos became the richest person in the world. The social media craze has made Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg rich.

When it became clear how polluted air caused major medical problems, Elon Musk started Tesla, the market leader in electric cars. On June 29, 2010 Tesla stock went public at $17 per share and reached an all-time high of $917 per share on February 29, 2020. Its market capitalization (total stock value) exceeded General Motors and Ford combined.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced the shutdown of much of the world’s economy. People in terribly polluted cities in India and CA are seeing nearby mountains clearly for the first time in decades. In Venice, Italy canals, you now see dolphins swimming instead of tourists in gondolas. In a town in Wales, England, mountain goats now roam the streets.

Heavy air pollution attacks humans and results in chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and lung cancer. Lung cancer kills more Americans than the next three leading causes of cancer combined (colon, breast, and prostate). The World Health Organization estimates that bad air pollution is an invisible killer that causes: 29% of deaths from lung cancer; 24% from stroke; 25% from heart disease; and 43% of deaths from lung disease. Once the body and especially the lungs are weakened by air pollution, coronavirus can kill you.

There is a solution! CA is the leading clean energy environmental state. In 2020, every new home built anywhere must have solar. By 2030, CA wants to have 50% of its energy to shift from dirty fossil fuels to clean solar, wind, or geothermal. CA Air Resources Board (CARB) is taxing heavy users of fossil fuels, such as oil refineries and utility companies, and issuing $ millions of grants for new clean energy technology. There are opportunities to save the planet and be rewarded by good investment returns and tax benefits such as the 26% solar tax credit.

Free Webinar on Solar Investment Opportunities in California: will be on Weds. 5/13/2020 6-7 pm and Tues. 5/19/2020 6-7 pm. Please RSVP by contacting Dr. Harold Wong at 480-706-0177 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more information on how Dr. Wong’s methods that are indeed different from most other financial advisors, though DO WORK when it comes to saving taxes while creating wealth for your retirement, CLICK HERE to set up a phone appointment with Dr. Wong. There’s no obligation or strong-arm sales, we promise!

Dr. Wong earned his Ph.D. in Economics at University of California/Berkeley and has appeared on over 400 TV/radio programs.

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