Solar Reefer Factory Tour

03/29/2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Solar Reefer Workshop and Tour

Meet Robert Koelsch, the Founder and CEO of Advanced Energy Machines and get a behind-the-scenes look at how innovative solar reefers are made and distributed. Find out why this amazing invention is revolutionizing the refrigerated trucking industry by replacing carbon-belching diesel reefers with zero emission models and how you can benefit and save taxes too. Feel free to bring your experts, advisors and engineers along. What you will learn:

  • How solar reefers allow clients to owe ZERO Income Tax AND Recover ALL Federal Taxes paid in the last 3 years
  • Why CA wants ALL 55,000 diesel-polluting reefers replaced with solar-powered reefers
  • Why solar reefers are safer than stocks or real estate
  • What is required to buy a solar-powered refrigeration unit
  • How you can earn a steady 10% to 14% return for ten years

Location: AEM Headquarters/Assembly Plant
4245 E. Norcroft Street
Mesa, AZ 85215

Attendance is by personal invitation only. Questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Office Address

90 South Kyrene Rd
(Says Suite 1 on the front door)
Chandler, Arizona 85226

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with Dr. Wong
